Nottingham University Business School is inviting application for MBA leadership scholarships. Scholarships are open for international students. Scholarships are available to self-funding candidates for our full-time MBA programme starting in September 2015. Scholarships cover up to fifty per cent off the full tuition fee.
The application deadline is 28 February 2015.
Du Học Hoàn Cầu- Applications are invited for One Planet MBA scholarship for international students at University of Exeter, UK. Admission to the MBA programme is usually dependent upon a good first degree and a minimum of three years’ managerial experience. The duration of One Planet MBA (Full-time) is 12 months and One Planet Executive MBA is 30 months. An extensive range of scholarships covering up to 100% of the tuition fees will be provided to the applicants. The application deadline is 31st
March 2015 for early applicants, and 31st May 2015 for all other applicants.
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