Professional certificates awarded by universities

Many universities grant professional certificates as an award for the completion of an educational program. The curriculum of a professional certificate is most often in a focused subject matter. The typical professional certificate program is between 200-300 class-hours in size.

It is uncommon for a program to be larger or smaller than that. Most professional certificate programs are open enrollment, but some have admissions processes. A few universities put some of their professional certificates into a subclass they refer to as advanced professional certificates.

Areas of certification

Accountancy, Auditing and Finance

There are many professional bodies for accountants and auditors throughout the world; some of them are legally recognized in their jurisdictions. Public Accountants are the accountancy and control experts that are legally certified in different jurisdictions to work in public practices, certifying accounts as statutory auditors, eventually selling advice and services to other individuals and businesses. Today, however, many work within private corporations, financial industry, and government bodies.

Accounting and external auditing

Cf. Accountancy qualifications and regulation
•    ACA, FCA or CA (Chartered Accountant) conferred by Institutes of Chartered Accountants in various territories, namely the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
•    ACMA or FCMA (Associate or Fellow Chartered Management Accountant) conferred by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK)
•    Associate or Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA or FCCA) conferred by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)
•    AAIA or FAIA (Associate or Fellow International Accountant) conferred by Association of International Accountants
•    AMII or AMII (American International Institute USA) independent professional society Certification Organization
•    CPA (Certified Public Accountant) conferred by State Accountancy Boards in the USA, Hong-Kong, Australia...
•    PFA (Professional Financial Accountant) from came center and Cairo University
•    CMA (Certified Management Accountant) conferred by Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA in Australia), Institute of Management Accountants (IMA in US)
•    CCC (Chartered Cost Controllers) issued and conferred by the American Academy of Financial Management USA Certifying Board (AAFM)[7]
•    MIPA or FIPA (Member or Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants who use the designation "Public Accountant") conferred by the Institute of Public Accountants (Australia)
•    CPTP (Certified Professional Tax Preparer) conferred by Board of Certified Professional Tax Preparers (CPTP), US
Internal auditing and fraud combat
•    CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CCSA, CGAP, QAR[disambiguation needed] conferred by the worldwide recognised Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) headquartered in Altamonte Springs Florida with chapters in many countries
•    CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) conferred by the worldwide recognised Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) headquartered in Texas with chapters in many countries
•    CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) awarded by the worldwide recognised Information Systems Audit and Control Association headquartered in the USA with chapters in many countries
•    CFAP (Certified Forensic Accounting Professional) awarded by the [Indiaforensic Center of Studies] headquartered in India with chapters in many countries




•    AVA (Acceredited Valuation Analyst) conferred by the The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) - AVA mergered CVA(Certified Valuation Analyst)
•    ASA (Acceredited Senior Appraiser) conferred by the American Society of Appraisers
•    CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) conferred by the CAIA Association
•    CBA (Certified Business Appraiser) conferred by the IBA[disambiguation needed]
•    CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) conferred by CFA Institute (CFAI)
•    CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst) conferred by the The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) and The International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts (IACVA)
•    CIIA (Certified International Investment Analyst) conferred by the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (ACIIA)
•    FRM (Financial Risk Manager) conferred by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)
•    CMU (Certified Mortgage Underwriter) conferred by National Association of Mortgage Underwriters® (NAMU®)
•    PRM (Professional Risk Manager) conferred by the Professional Risk Managers' International Associate (PRMIA)

Personal Finance
•    CFP (Certified Financial Planner) conferred by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards and Financial Planning Standards Board
•    CWM (Chartered Wealth Manager),[9] CAM (Chartered Asset Manager),[10] CTEP (Chartered Trust and Estate Planner)[11] and CPM (Chartered Portfolio Manager), issued, founded and conferred by the USA Board of Standards American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM)[12]
•    CCP (Certified Credit Professional) issued to credit management professionals in Canada by the Credit Institute of Canada
•    EA (Enrolled Agent) by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Public Finance

  • CCMT (Certified California Municipal Treasurer) conferred by California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA)
  • CGAP (Certified Government Auditing Professional) conferred by the Institute of Internal Auditors, based on the US Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book) and additionally on COSO, IIA standards and INTOSAI ISSAI standards recognized worldwide in public finance
  • CDFM (Certified Defense Financial Manager) conferred by American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC)
  • CGFM (Certified Government Financial Manager) conferred by Association of Government Accountants (AGA)
  • CGFO (Certified Government Finance Officer) conferred by Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOAT)
  • CMA (Certified Management Accountant) conferred by Institute of Management Accountants
  • CPFO (Certified Public Finance Officer) conferred by Government Finance Officers Association
  • CPFA (Certified Public Finance Administrator) conferred by Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APTUSC)



Aerospace Technicians assemble, service, test, operate, and repair systems associated with both expendable and reusable space launch vehicles, payloads, related laboratories, and ground support equipment. Because space-related activities are evolving, professional certifications vary by country and sometimes by company within a country. Credentials are not yet closely regulated but have evolved over time. Most are performance-based due to the hands-on nature of the work and the importance of assuring the quality and safety of activities and operations in this demanding field.
Currently performance based certifications for aerospace technicians in the United States of America are patterned after the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Airframe and Powerplant certificates for aircraft mechanics. The regulatory arm of the FAA for space is the Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA-AST)

Presently the only national credentials meeting the ISO-17024 standards for certification and holding an FAA Safety Approval for the credentialing process are those conferred by the SpaceTEC® - a National Science Foundation National Resource Center [14]. These certifications employ a proctored computer-based written examination followed by an oral examination (if required) and a practical performance-based skills examination administered by a trained and certified SpaceTEC® Examiner (STE).

The existing certifications for aerospace technicians include a Core certification for entry level employees and Concentrations in specialized disciplines for journeymen technicians:


•    Certified Aerospace Technician™ - Core - covering an Introduction to the Aerospace Workplace; Applied Mechanics; Basic Electricity; Test & Measurements; Materials and Processes; and Aerospace Safety.
•    Aerospace Manufacturing - Four disciplines/endorsements require Concentration examinations in Manufacturing Essentials (all four areas) with specializations in: Structures and Assembly Processes; Welding and Cutting Processes; Manual Machining Processes; and Computerized Numeric Control (CNC) Machining Operations.
•    Aerospace Composites - A single Concentration examination in four basic areas: Characteristics of Composites; Fabrication Methods; Testing, Inspection, and Repair; and Health and Safety.
•    Aerospace Vehicle Processing - a single Concentration examination in five disciplines: Aerospace Systems; Electronic Fabrication and Fiber Optics; Fluid Systems; Structural Fabrication; and Technical Task Analysis.
Usually candidates for aerospace certification must qualify through a combination of experience and education, meeting at least one of the following criteria:
•    A two year college technical program degree.
•    A two year technical military assignment in a related field.
•    A current FAA Airframe/powerplant certificate.
•    Two or more years of on-the-job training and experience in the Aerospace industry.
Specialized Concentration exams for journeyman credentials require a Core Certification.
•    AIA (Member, American Institute of Architects) conferred by American Institute of Architects
•    FAIA (Fellow, American Institute of Architects) conferred by American Institute of Architects


Aviators (Aviation Pilots) are certified through theoretical and in-flight examinations. Requirements for certifications are quite equal in most countries and are regulated by each National Aviation Authority. The existing certificates or pilot licenses are:
•    PPL (Private Pilot License) conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities)
•    CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities)
•    ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities)
Licensing in these categories require not only examinations but also a minimum of flight hours. All categories are available for Fixed-Wing Aircraft (airplanes) and Rotatory-Wing Aircraft (helicopters). Within each category, aviators may also obtain certifications in:
•    Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
•    Multi-engine aircraft
•    Turbojet Engines
•    Jet Engines
•    Experimental aircraft
•    Amphibious aircraft
•    Seaplanes
Usually, aviators must be certified also in their log books for the type and model of aircraft they are allowed to fly. Currency checks as well as regular medical check-ups with a frequency of 6 months, 12 months, or 36 months, depending on the type of flying permitted, are obligatory. An aviator can fly only if holding:
•    A valid pilot license
•    A valid medical certificate
•    Valid certifications for the type of aircraft and type of flight.
In Europe, the ANSP, ATCO & ANSP technicians are certified according to ESARRs [6] (according to EU regulation 2096/2005 "Common Requirements").


Main article: Professional certification (business)
•    The Certification of Competency in Business Analysis (CCBA) designation is a professional certification for business analysis practitioners who want to be recognized for their expertise and skills by earning formal recognition.[citation needed]
•    AMII The American International Institute, USA. Business Certification in various Business fields ( designation and professional certification in various business disciplines for practitioners who want to be recognized for their expertise and skills by earning formal recognition.
•    APMP - The Association of Proposal Management Professionals provides three levels of certification: AM.APMP (Accredited Member), APM (Accredited Practitioner Member), and PPM (Proposal Professional Member)1. APMP's certification program uses a combination of competency-based assessment, experience, and verification. Individuals participate in continuing professional development, earning Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits, to maintain accreditation


Main article: List of chiropractic credentials
Computer technology
Main article: Professional certification (computer technology)
Certification is often used in the professions of software engineering and information technology.
Elections and Voter Registration
Elections and Voter Registration Administrator
•    CERA or C.E.R.A. (Certified Elections/Registration Administrator), the highest level of certification available for election administrators, conferred by the Election Center, the National Association of Election Administrators. Instruction and university credit for required coursework is provided by Auburn University.
•    Institute of Professional Environmental Practice – Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP)
•    Academy of Board Qualified Environmental Professionals - Certified Environmental Professional (CEP)
•    CEnvP – Certified Environmental Practitioner of Australia and New Zealand (CEnvP)
•    International Society of Arboriculture - internationally recognized body providing ANSI-Accredited certifications for arborists. Certified Arborist, Master Arborist
Economic development
The International Economic Development Council (IEDC), based in Washington, D.C., recognizes economic developers around the world who have achieved a level of excellence in their understanding of the tools and programs of economic development. In order to become a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), one must sit through the exam and fulfill a number of requirements.

Hospitality & Tourism

•    CHA (Certified Hotel Administrator) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
•    CHE (Certified Hotel Educator) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
•    CHRM (Certified Hotel Revenue Manager) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
•    CRME (Certified Revenue Management Executive) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
•    CHDM (Certified Hospitality Digital Marketer) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
•    CHSE (Certified Hospitality Sales Executive) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
•    CHSC (Certified in Hospitality Sales Competencies) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
•    CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) conferred by Convention Industry Council


Insurance & Risk Management

In the United States, insurance professionals are licensed separately by each state. Many individuals seek one or more certifications to distinguish themselves from their peers. The most recognizable certifications are issued by four organizations:
American Institute For Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU)

•    Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
•    Associate in Risk Management (ARM)
•    Associate in Commercial Underwriting (AU)
•    Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI)
American College of Financial Services
•    Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
•    Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)
National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research
•    Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)
•    Certified Risk Manager (CRM)
•    Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR)
National Registry of Workers' Compensation Specialists
•    Registered Workers' Compensation Specialist (RWCS)
Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS)
•    Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)

Language education

TESOL is a large field of employment with widely varying degrees of regulation. Most provision worldwide is through the state school system of each individual country, and as such, the instructors tend to be trained primary- or secondary school teachers who are native speakers of the language of their pupils, and not of English. Though native speakers of English have been working in non-English speaking countries in this capacity for years, it was not until the last twenty-five years or so that there was any widespread focus on training particularly for this field. Previously, workers in this sort of job were anyone from backpackers hoping to earn some extra travel money to well-educated professionals in other fields doing volunteer work, or retired people. These sort of people are certainly still to be found, but there are many who consider TESOL their main profession.

One of the problems facing these full-time teachers is the absence of international governing body for the certification or licenture of English language teachers. However, Cambridge University and its subsidiary body UCLES are pioneers in trying to get some degree of accountability and quality control to consumers of English courses, through their CELTA and DELTA programs. Trinity College, London has equivalent programs, the CertTESOL and the LTCL DipTESOL. They offer initial certificates in teaching, in which candidates are trained in language awareness and classroom techniques, and given a chance to practice teaching, after which feedback is reported. Both institutions have as a follow-up a professional diploma, usually taken after a year or two in the field. Although the initial certificate is available to anyone with a high school education, the diploma is meant to be a post-graduate qualification and in fact can be incorporated into a Master's degree program.

Legal affairs

An increasing number of lawyers are choosing to be recognized as having special knowledge and experience by becoming certified specialists in certain fields of law. According to the American Bar Association, a lawyer that is a certified specialist has been recognized by an independent professional certifying organization as having an enhanced level of skill and expertise, as well as substantial involvement in an established legal specialty. These organizations require a lawyer to demonstrate special training, experience and knowledge to ensure that the lawyer's recognition as a certified specialist is meaningful and reliable. Lawyer conduct with regard to specialty certification is regulated by the states.

NBLSC is an American Bar Association (ABA) accredited organization providing Board Certification for US Lawyers. Board Certification is a rigorous testing and approval process that officially recognizes the extensive education and courtroom experience of attorneys. NBLSC provides Board Certification for Trial Lawyers & Trial Attorneys, Civil Lawyers, Criminal Lawyers, Family Lawyers and Social Security Disability Lawyers.

Logistics & Transport

Logistician is the Profession in the logistics & transport sectors, including sea, air, land and rail modes. Professional qualification for logisticians usually carry post-nominal letters. Common examples include:

•    MILT (Member Institute of Logistics and Transport) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT),[17]
•    CMILT (Chartered Member, Institute of Logistics and Transport) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
•    FCILT (Chartered Fellow, Institute of Logistics and Transport) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
•    CPL/CTP conferred by Transport & Logistics Certification Council (TLCC) of Australia,
•    EJLog/ESLog/EMLog conferred by the European Logistics Association (ELA),
•    CML[disambiguation needed]/CPL conferred by the International Society of Logistics (SOLE),
•    JrLog/Log/SrLog conferred by the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing (CFLP),
•    FHKLA/PMHKLA conferred by the Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA),
•    PLS/CTL/DLP conferred by the American Society of Transportation & Logistics (AST&L),
•    CPIM/CSCP conferred by the Association for Operations Management (APICS), (CSCB),
•    CITT conferred by the Canadian Institute of Traffic & Transportation (CITT),
•    PLog (Professional Logistician) conferred by the Canadian Professional Logistics Institute,
•    ACCL-AMI / ACCL-AMO / ACCL-ABM / ACCL-OBM conferred by the Allied Council for Commerce and Logistics (ACCL)


Churches have their own process of who may use various religious titles. Protestant churches typically require a Masters of Divinity, accreditation by the denomination and ordination by the local church in order for a minister to become a "Reverend". Those qualifications may or may not also give government authorization to solemnize marriages


Board certification is the process by which a physician in the United States documents by written, practical and/or computer based testing, illustrating a mastery of knowledge and skills that define a particular area of medical specialization. The American Board of Medical Specialties, a not-for-profit organization, assists 24 approved medical specialty boards in the development and use of standards in the ongoing evaluation and certification of physicians.
Medical specialty certification in the United States is a voluntary process. While medical licensure sets the minimum competency requirements to diagnose and treat patients, it is not specialty specific.[19] Board certification demonstrate a physician’s exceptional expertise in a particular specialty and/or sub-specialty of medical practice.

Patients, physicians, health care providers, insurers and quality organizations regard certification as an important measure of a physician’s knowledge, experience and skills to provide quality health care within a given specialty.

Other professional certifications include certifications such as medical licenses, Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, nursing board certification, diplomas in social work. The Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy certifies pharmacists that are knowledgeable about principles of geriatric pharmacotherapy and the provision of pharmaceutical care to the elderly. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies administers a voluntary accreditation program for law enforcement agencies.

See also
•    Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
•    Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians
•    Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
•    Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons
•    Membership of the College of Emergency Medicine
•    Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology
•    American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Healthcare Quality

•    CHCQM (Board Certification in Health Care Quality and Management) conferred by the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians
•    CPHQ (Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality) conferred by the Healthcare Quality Certification Board of the National Association for Healthcare Quality
Physical Asset Management
•    MMP – Maintenance Management Professional [20]
•    CMRP – Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) [21]
•    ASSE (American Society of Sanitary Engineering) [22] - an ANSI Accredited standards developer and certification body

Project Management

Certification is of significant importance in the project management (PM) industry. Certification refers to the evaluation and recognition of the skills, knowledge, and/or competence of a practitioner in the field.
Project management certifications come in a variety of flavors:

•    Competence-based programs wherein an individual must provide evidence of actual, on-the-job performance
•    Knowledge-based programs wherein an individual must pass an exam
•    Experience-based programs wherein an individual must provide evidence of training or education in the field.
Combination of Competence-based, Knowledge-based, and Experience-based
•    PMP Project Management Professional conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
•    SCPM Stanford Certified Project Manager conferred by the Stanford University as a result of completing the SAPM (Stanford Advanced Project Management Certificate Progam)
•    PgMP Program Management Professional conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
•    AMII ( Certified Project Management conferred by the AMII (American International Institute, USA)
•    CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
•    PMI - ACP Project Management Institutes - Agile Certified Professional conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
•    CSM Certified SCRUM Master conferred by the SCRUM Alliance
Public Relations
•    The Universal Accreditation Board, an organization composed of the Public Relations Society of America, the Agricultural Relations Council, the National School Public Relations Association, the Religious Communicators Council and other public relations professional societies, administers the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR), a voluntary certification program for public relations practitioners.


•    ASIS International administers the Certified Protection Professional - Board-Certified in Security Management (CPP)
•    ASIS International administers the Physical Security Professional, Board-Certified (PSP)
•    ASIS International administers the Professional Certified Investigator, Board-Certified (PCI)
•    Association of Certified Fraud Examiners administers the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
•    International Foundation of Protection Officers administers the Certified Protection Officer (CPO)
•    Society of Payment Security Professionals (SPSP) administers the Certified Payment-Card Industry Security Manager
•    The Loss Prevention Foundation administers the LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC) credentials
•    Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) from
•    Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) from
•    American Hotel & Lodging Association administers the Certified Lodging Security Director (CLSD)
•    National Sheriffs' Association administers the Certified Homeland Protection Professional (CHPP) Certification
•    American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Certified in Homeland Security (CHS®) Certification Levels I-V
•    American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Anti-Sabatage Certified (ASCsm) Certification
•    American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Sensitive Security Information Certified (SSI) Certification
•    American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Certified in Disaster Preparedness (CDP-I®) Certification
•    American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Intelligence Analyst Certified (IAC®) Certification
•    American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Certified National Threat Analyst (CNTAsm) Certification
•    Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist (CAS) Certification
•    Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist (CMAS) Certification
•    Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist – Information Technology (CAS-IT) Certification
•    Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist – Forensic IT Analyses (CAS-FA) Certification
•    Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist – Cyber Terrorism Response (CAS-CTR) Certification
•    Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist – Physical Security Manager (CAS-PSM) Certification
•    Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Registered Locksmith (RL) Certification
•    Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Registered Locksmith (CRL) Certification
•    Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Professional Locksmith (CPL) Certification
•    Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Master Locksmith (CML) Certification
•    Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Professional Safe Technician (CPS) Certification
•    Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Master Safe Technician (CMST) Certification
•    International Association of Certified Surveillance Professionals administers the Certified Surveillance Professional (CSP) Certification
•    Security Industry Association administers the Certified Security Project Manager (CSPM) Certification

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English (UK)Vietnamese
to chuc su kien, to chuc su kien

Dự n chung cư Tn Hong Minh d le roi soleil quang an Ty Hồ, H Nội. Dự n chung cu 23 le duan Q1, TP. HCM, chủ đầu tư Tn Hong Minh. Cng ty cho thue san khau tổ chức sự kiện uy tn tại H Nội. Dịch vụ cho thue o du gi rẻ nhất. Cng ty cho thue backdrop uy tn tại H Nội - nhiều mẫu m đẹp. Dịch vụ chua tac tia sua tại nh, cam kết hiệu quả 100%. Xưởng sản xuất may ep cam vien chăn nui, my p cm vin mini cho thỏ, g, vịt, chim bồ cu. Kho xưởng sản xuất long cong nghiep gi rẻ tại h nội, lồng chim bồ cu, lồng thỏ, lồng g Dịch vụ thue chu re đẹp trai, cao ro, cam kết bảo mật thng tin. Cng ty cung cấp, cho thue nguoi dai dien cưới hỏi ton quốc.