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Sophia University New International Students Scholarship in Japan 2019-2020

 If you are an adult who is seeking an opportunity to study at a reputable university in Japan, then you should go with the New International Students programs at Sophia University in Japan.
The educational award is available for high achieving Japanese and International candidates who are going to start their undergraduate and graduate study journey at Sophia University, Japan.
Sophia University was founded in 1913 in Japan. It is one of the most reputable private researches in Japanese universities. It takes its name from the Greek Sophia meaning “wisdom”.
Why at Sophia University? The university such courses which are ideal for adults seeking evening classes, foreign candidates who wish to study Japan. It has a pioneer in language education and other services like library and cafeterias etc.
Brief Description
  • University or Organization: Sophia University
  • Course Level: Undergraduate and Graduate course
  • Award: Grant varies from one-third to the full amount of tuition fees
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: Not known
  • Nationality: Japanese and International
  • The program can be taken in Japan
  • Application Deadline: Varies according to the faculty and semester
  • Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: Japanese and Overseas (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thai, Vietnam, applicants are eligible to apply
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: Applicants can apply for a bachelor or a postgraduate degree program in any field offered by the university.
  • Admissible Criteria: An applicant must be a new student to the university who are enrolling in a degree program either in a 2019 or 2020 year.
How to Apply
  • How to Apply: The application for this award can be made at the time of admission. While applying to an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the university, students can send their grant application forms.
  • Grant Application form for International Students
  • Award Application Form for Japanese Candidates
  • Note: Participants from South-east Asia and African countries will automatically be considered as applicants for Sophia Benefactors’ Scholarships (Adachi).
  • Supporting Documents: The original transcript of record, copy of income certificate, residence certificate, FY2019 Taxation Certificate or Tax Exemption Certificate, housing contract, and other documents to verify income.
  • Admission Requirements: Interested candidates need to check the admission information before applying to the admission or grant.
  • Language Requirement: The candidates have to demonstrate their English language ability by taking the TOEFL or IELTS test.
The award amount is as follows- Sophia University New Students Scholarship
  • The value of the grant equal to full tuition (annual)
  • An amount equal to half tuition (annual)
  • Fund amount equal to one-third tuition (annual)
  • Sophia Benefactors’ (Adachi) Scholarships


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